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Links to Available Reports

Intervention Tracking Sheet
Episodes no eval 3 months
Epnums that need QOL
QOL List with Pins
Eval Category
Eval Completeness List
Client Improvement Report
Site Eval Intervention Counts
Exercises and Interventions
Unpaid Exercises
Eval Intervention Costs
Intervention Counts
Intervention Status Counts
Intervention Completeness List
Interventions List




 Report Name

Screen Shot 


 Data Fields

 Each intervention type with the session date the intervention is credited to


 Allows you to use the LA standard tracking sheet to track interventions and then use this report to compare your numbers to those reported by the data center.


 Date range






Report name

 Screen Shot


 Data Fields

Epnum, eval date, eval type, last session date


Gives the last session date of the epnum and a list of evals completed to tell when a client is due for an eval






 Report Name

 Screen Shot


 Data Fields

eval date, QOL type, last QOL started, last QOL completed


sent weekly to note when QOLs are due, shows when a client is due for a QOL online or a CHART and when one hasn't been completed yet


last eval within X monts



 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

 Epnum, QOL pin, # of responses, date of last entry, item last entered, version


A quick way to see what epnums completed the online QOL or are in progress and gives when last entered and gives their pin







 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Required, incomplete and errors.  Additional information can be calculated like # complete and % that are complete


A way of tracking areas the facility may not be collecting as required.


Date Filters



Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Each eval, what % complete it is, how that number was obtained (what items are complete or incomplete), number of sessions, full and current payment for eval. 


Describes how each eval's completeness is determined 


Date filter

Expand all invoice sections yes or no 

Show only headers of invoice items

Only show missing fields from eval

Show only selected sections of the eval (specify which sections, exampe: QOL, CHART, 10 meter initial device walk test)













































 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Each eval for a client, outcomes on each entered 10m walk, 6 minutes walk, Berg and Phase.


Shows the change in outcome measures accross evals for each client to easily see improvements, no changes, or declines.






 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Year, month, eval counts by type, intervention count by type


Shows the number of evals by type and interventions by type for each month





 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Each session, each exercise, how much it contributes, how much is required, if errors are present, if that's enough for an intervention


Lists each exercise entered in ITW and determines if it meets the requirements for an intervention and if it has an error.


Date filter
Intervention type




 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Session date, exercise, field that determines payment, and problem preventing payment


Shows each exercise that is not being paid and gives a reason for not paying it.


Date filters

Intervention type 



 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

Each eval, % complete, intervention counts


Shows each eval and the interventions attached to that eval and counts the errors on each intervention type






 Report Name

 Screen Shot


Data Fields 

 Session date, intervention count, error count, paid interveion count, intervention by type count, reason for not paying that intervention.


A list of all sessions and full interventions completed and if eligable for payment, or gives reason for not paying. 


 Date Filter

Intervention type





 Report Name

Screen Shot 


Data Fields 

 Exercise type, reason for not paying, site cout of those occurances


 Gives a tally of reasons an exercise is not paid.  Reasons can be error on the exercise, errors on the eval, not enough for an intervention, no eval after intervetion.  Also gives the number of exercises paid.


 Intervention type, date filters